This study investigated workplace stress in selected Oil and Gas companies in Port Harcourt Nigeria. The instrument for primary data collection is questionnaire approach designed to assess four stressful aspects of work (organizational culture; role & demands; work control/autonomy; and relationship & support); and also, the intervention measures and their effects in reducing workers’ stress. Four groups of participants were involved in completing the questionnaire form, viz Managing Director, MD (8); Line Manager, LM(10); Line supervisor, LS(15); and workers (147). A sample of 180 out of 300 employees randomly selected, duly completed and returned the questionnaires administered to them, thus, giving a response rate of 60%. Kendall’s statistic (W) was used to evaluate the degree of agreement amongst respondents on the issue of stress at workplace. For stress identification, Kendall’s statistic (W) is distributed as follows: for MD (38.8%); LM (43%); LS (41%) and workers (13%). On the intervention, we have MD (47%); LM (53%); LS (48%) and workers (24.5%), respectively. The low values of Kendall’s statistic (W) indicate a good reason to confirm stressful conditions in Oil and Gas companies studied. The results further reveals that members of staff may have resorted to individual interventions to improving their health conditions as against organizational interventions.