Introduction: The first case of the Novel Corona Virus in Indian subcontinent was reported on 30th January 2020.5 The initial ongoing infectivity window of the total number of cases being reported in India is 1.7 million which is astonishingly lower as compared to the worst affected countries in the world. Hence this study aims to the assess the preparedness about Covid-19 among the general dental practitioners located in Lucknow city. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted to assess
the knowledge and preparedness regarding COVID-19 among the dental practitioners of Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), India. The sample size was calculated to be 408 taking in account the sample population of the total number of registered dentists. A confidence interval(z) of 95% and a marginal error(e) of 5% was taken. The statistical test Pearson’s Chi-Square was used to check the association with qualification, gender, age. Result: The present cross- sectional study was done among the dental practitioners of Lucknow city. The study comprised of 408 participants of which 46.3% (189) were males and (53.7%) 219 were females. Most of the answers showed high level of significance to education. Knowledge and practice seem to be related to education, whereas little significance was observed with gender. Conclusion: In the current study most of the study participants used the personal protective equipment.