The present study was conducted to evaluate factors regulating physicochemical characteristics of drinking water in an area with drinking water purpose as main use. Ten groundwater samples have been collected from North port of Gorakhpur city during month of December 2014 –January 2015. The Gorakhpur city is a Mahanagar of Utter Pradesh which have nearly fifty lack population and covers an area of district approximately 3,483.8 sq. km. Rapid development in recent years has led to an increased demand for water, which is increasingly being fulfilled by groundwater abstraction. Groundwater samples were chemically analyzed for major physicochemical parameter in order to understand the different geochemical processes affecting the groundwater quality. . In this study, different parameters like pH, turbidity, chloride, total hardness, fluoride, nitrate, iron, residual free chlorine, calcium hardness, alkalinity, total alkalinity, sulphite were analyzed. The results revealed that parameters such as chloride, hardness, Nitrate, calcium hardness were in high concentration at most of the groundwater sampling areas.