Background: Periodontal diseases are the most commonly found oral health problem among the elderly. Assessment of periodontal disease in a population is an important step in planning effective prevention and control programs for periodontal disease. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the oral health of the elderly living in old age homes of Manipur. Material and Methods: An observational study was carried out among 250 elderly from old age homes of Manipur, included structured questions regarding on socio demographic variables, daily oral health practice, systemic conditions, drug history and personal oral habits. Simplified oral hygiene index (OHIs) and Periodontal index (PI) were recorded. Results: The results of the study showed that the mean OHI-S score of males was 4.78±0.31 & for females was 3.02±0.46. The difference as statistically significant in males compared to females with p<0.05. The periodontal index shows that higher score was observed among males with a mean score of 5.98±0.83 and for females was 4.7±0.96. The difference was statistically significant in males compared to females with p<0.05. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that oral health status of the geriatric population living at the old age home of Manipur is very poor.