Aim: Attachment starts when mother finds out about her pregnancy and this is the real start point for fetus dialog with his/her surrounding world. In this study researcher focuses on parental attachment on unborn child among first time child bearing couple. The Aim of this study were to assess and compare the parental attachment on unborn child among first time child bearing couple and to find out the association of parental attachment with selected demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive research design was used to assess the Parental attachment on unborn child among first time child bearing couple visiting antenatal OPD at selected hospital, Chennai. 60 first time child bearing couple were (antenatal mothers (60) and her partners (60)) selected by convenient sampling over a period of one month. The Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS; Condon, J. (1993) and Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (PASS; Condon, J. (2015) were used to assess maternal & paternal antenatal bonding to the unborn baby.
Results: The Results of this study revealed that maternal antenatal attachment (M=78.166,SD=3.0927) was statistically significant than paternal antenatal attachment (M=55.70,SD=3.5990) on unborn child among first time child bearing couple.
Conclusion: This study concluded that maternal antenatal attachment was significantly higher than paternal antenatal attachment on unborn fetus among first time child bearing couple.