Background: Visual Impairment (VI) is the most common challenging condition worldwide in occurrence. Children with VI are unable to detect and recognise any early oral diseases. Malocclusions are given the third priority among all oral health problems. Dental health awareness surveys would give a holistic view on the commonly occurring oral health related problems.
Aim: To assess the orthodontic treatment needs using Index for Orthodontic Treatment Needs (IOTN) in visually challenged children.
Materials and methods: A total of 71 visually challenged children, aged 12 to 14 years, who presented complete permanent dentition and never underwent any orthodontic procedures were selected. IOTN index was used to assess the orthodontic treatment needs. In order to assess the Dental Health Component (DHC) of IOTN with accuracy, alginate impressions of maxillary & mandibular arches and the Aesthetic Component (AC), intraoral photographs were taken. Recording of dental irregularities from study models and anterior aesthetic appearance from intra oral photographs was done.
Results: Among the surveyed children, 60% had severe dental irregularities and 40.8% had severe unaesthetic dental appearance.
Conclusion: In this survey, children with VI had presented a great and very great need for the orthodontic treatment.