Objective: To assess lumbar core strength in patients with chronic shoulder pain using modified sphygmomanometre
Backgound: Shoulder pain is defined as chronic when it has been present for longer than 12 weeks. Shoulder pain is responsible for approximately 16 percent of all musculoskeletal complaints. Because of the impairments in the shoulder complex, there occurs abnormal dissipation of the force through the body. Core strength and stability is an essential part of biomechanical efficiency and due to the three-dimensional complex movements occurring in the joint we requires a good core strength. Dysfunction within the kinetic chain can affect how forces are transferred from the core to the upper extremity .Overuse injuries may occur due to weakness of core.
Methodology: 90 samples were taken with shoulder pain between 4-6 months. Consent form was taken. .Lumbar core strength was assessed using the modified sphygmomanometer and a performance index was recorded. To assess the core strength the cuff of the apparatus was placed under the lumbar spine and inflated to 40mmhg, the patient was asked to perform drawing in so the belly button is pulled upwards such that the pressure in the cuff rises by 2mmgh. This was held for 10 seconds and if successful, repeated for 10 times. Then repeat for 4mmgh, 6mmgh, 8mmgh and 10.
Perfomance lndex:- Record the no of times the patient can hold the level and multiply it by pressure increment. Maximum possible is 100 i.e, 10mmg X10.
Result and Conculsion: Total score was calculated and the results were interpreted. The results showed that out of the 90 subjects that were assessed, 27%, 33%, & 40% of subjects showed reduced lumbar core strength in 4 months, 5months, 6 months of shoulder pain respectively. Hence this study concluded that the lumbar core strength is affected with the extent of shoulder pain.