This task quantitatively assesses the level and impact of selected physiochemical properties of Kota super thermal power plant’s effluent on the Chambal River Kota, Rajasthan, India. Water sampling was carried out judgementally from designated points nearby confluence point of effluent and analysed for physiochemical properties using standard methods of APHA. Impact of selected parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), total organic carbon (TOC), chloride and sulphate, was studied for twelve months from July 2015 to June 2016. Annual range concentration of physiochemical properties was observed as temperature (23.1-36.1 0C), pH (6.4-8.1), EC (280-357µS/cm), TDS (180-241 mg/1), DO (1.3-7.1 mg/1), TOC (1.6-3.86 mg/1), Chloride (25.5-41 mg/1) and Sulphate (8.88-24.2 mg/1). The impact of effluent on Chambal river’s physiochemical properties decreased in following order: DO > TOC > Temperature > Sulphate > Chloride > TDS > EC > pH, with respect the values of coefficient of variation. On calculating the analysis of variation (ANOVA) of parameters it was concluded at 5% level of significance, samples had come from populations having the same mean.