Prevalence of every forms of child abuse, child violence is increasing in children throughout the world. The impact or the consequences of child abuse is more severe as the physical scar may get healed but the emotional scar is for lifetime. A descriptive research study was undertaken for assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of child abuse among mothers having school age children. Materials and methods: Quantitative research approach was adopted for this study. Convenience sampling technique was adopted to select 236 mothers in selected rural communities. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic variables, structured questionnaire to assess knowledge and 5-point Likert scale to assess attitude regarding prevention of child abuse. Results: Findings reveals that 30.08 % of respondents had good knowledge 18.64% had excellent knowledge and 70.76% had moderately favourable attitude and 14.41% had favourable attitude regarding prevention of child abuse. There was positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. Findings also reveals that there was significant association between knowledge with age (p<0.001), monthly family income (p<0.05) and there was significant association between attitude and education of mother at 0.05 level of significance. A nationwide study of such kind using qualitative tools as well as conducting awareness raising activities especially focusing on general abuse and sexual abuse is recommended.