With the help of tourniquet, surgeon can work in bloodless operative field. Many changes occure after release of tourniquet. This observational study was planned to assess the changes occurring in hemodynamic parameters (MAP, HR) after release of toutniquet in orthopaedic surgeries.
100 patients of ASA grade I & II, 18 – 65 years of age, posted for orthopaedic surgeries using tourniquet were selected for the study. When surgery was over, pre releaseheart rate(HR) and mean arteria l pressure(MAP) were recorded. Then tourniquet was released and MAP &HR were recorded at following intervals – 0 minute ( just after release of tourniquet ), 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes.
Significant fall in MAP was observed till 15 minutes with peak fall at 5 minutes after tourniquet release. Peak rise in HR was observed at 1 minute which remained high for 10 minutes after release of tourniquet.