Introduction: Adolescence is a crucial period in which young people experienced fleeting changes in body. During adolescent period people sustain many changes in body in order to achieve physical maturity. One of the paramount changes that take place in adolescent girls is initiation of menstruation. Many times menstruation coexist with certain health problems like irritability, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, nausea and vomiting. Dysmenorrhoea is a condition of painful menstruation. There are various measures to control dysmenorrhoea which include pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach. Non-pharmacological methods include herbs, acupressure, exercise, hot application and massage therapy. Among various herbs ginger have relaxing effect on relieving dysmenorrhoea. Methodology: A quasi experimental study was conducted to evaluate effect of ginger tea on dysmenorrhoea among 80 adolescent girls of selected schools of Anand district, Gujarat. Convenient sampling technique was used to select samples. Performa of demographic variable and standardize numerical pain rating scale was used to collect data. After first day pre-intervention assessment for both groups, ginger tea 50 ml was administered to participants of experimental group only two times a day (morning and evening) for 3 consecutive days. Post interventional dysmenorrhoea was assessed on third day evening for both experimental and control group. Result: The study revealed that mean pre interventional level of dysmenorrhoea in experimental group and control group was 7.10 and 6.90 respectively whereas the mean post interventional level of dysmenorrhoea in experimental and control group was 1.75 and 3.18 respectively. Conclusion: The study concluded that there is significant effect of ginger tea on relieving dysmenorrhoea. Ginger is effective home remedy with positive impact on health of adolescent girls. Hence, ginger tea can be use as home based management for reducing dysmenorrhoea.