Background: Sickle-cell anemia is currently recognized as a major public health problem due to its high mortality and morbidity. Despites its well codified management, the occurrence of acute complications contributes significantly to the rising costs of health care. In Africa, where health coverage is limited, the study aimed at assessing the direct cost associated with the management of sickle-cell anemia in the pediatric department.
Methods: It was a prospective study of children followed regularly for major sickle cell syndrome in one pediatric ward. After the inclusion of the children through a verbal consent of the parents following an interview, the parents were asked to carefully keep any documentary evidence of the health-related spending and to maintain a telephone contact with the medical follow-up team. The second step consisted of the follow-up of the patients and the collection of all supporting documents.
Results: A total of 117 children with sickle-cell anemia were included in the study. The average length of hospital stay was 4.5 days for vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) and 7.5 days for infections. The cost of vaccination was € 25.5 per patient. The average amount spent for the management of infections was 120 Euros per inpatient versus 21 Euros per outpatient (p <0,005). The average cost for the management of simple malaria was 8 Euros per outpatient.
Conclusion: The cost of treatment resulting from the complications of this chronic condition is high. There is no doubt that prevention is more economical than a purely curative attitude.