Aim: To evaluate the effect of three different root canal sealers on dentinal tubule penetration after ultrasonic passive irrigation and its assessment by confocal microscope.
Material and Method: A total of 30 single rooted extracted mandibular premolars were prepared upto F3 (Size 30, 0.06 taper) using rotary Protaper Universal system and irrigated with sodium hypochlorite along with passive ultrasonic irrigation. The specimens were randomly divided into 3 groups and obturated using gutta percha cone with single cone technique with sealers such as Group A: AH Plus, Group B: Gutta flow Bioseal,, Group C: MTA Fillapex. Specimens were sectioned at 2mm, 5mm and 8 mm from the apex and all sections were examined under confocal microscope. Result: AH Plus sealer showed significant difference in sealer penetration between 2mm and 5mm, 5mm and 8mm, and 2mm and 8mm . MTA Fillapex showed significant difference in sealer penetration between 2mm and 8mm, 5mm and 8mm. Guttaflow Bioseal showed a significant difference between 2mm and 8mm.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study it can be concluded that sealer penetration in dentinal tubules is highest for AH Plus sealer and is highest in coronal third of canal and lowest at the apical third.