Current study was designed to determine the complete clinical response rate of chemotherapy in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer and a subgroup analysis of chemotherapy response in neoadjuvant chemotherapy approach and primary debulking surgery followed by chemotherapy approach. Study was conducted in prospective and cross sectional manner. This study was conducted in Clinical oncology Department JPMC, Karachi from 14 Jan 2016 to 13 Jan 2017. Seventy three (73) patients meeting the inclusion criteria were enrolled in study after complete staging workup. Out of them 40 patients received initial suboptimal debulking surgery followed by 6 cycles of chemotherapy with an interim treatment response after 3 cycles. A group of 27 patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy 3 cycles followed by interval debulking surgery and then 3 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. Complete clinical response was identified in 18 (27%) while 28 (42%) were identified as partial response, stable disease was 14 (21%) and 7(10%) were with progressive disease. Complete clinical response in primary debulking surgery group was 37.5% (15/40) and partial response was 32.5 % (13/40). In Neoadjuvant chemotherapy group, complete clinical response was found 11.11% and partial response was found 55.5 %. Results showed no significant differences in treatment responses according to stages in debulking (p-value=0.147) and interval surgery groups (p-value=1.000). There is statistically no difference in both treatment strategies in terms of response outcomes.