Aim: To assess cardiorespiratory fitness in post covid patients using YMCA 3 min step test.
Background: -Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel beta-coronavirus known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus may range from a asymptomatic to a broad variety of symptoms, ranging from mild upper respiratory tract infection to life-threatening sepsis. Even though Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, but is causes a great damage to various other organs of the body including the heart. Thus, there’s a need to study the Cardiorespiratory functioning (CRF) in post covid patients and thus the study is undertaken.
Methodology -This study was a cross sectional observational study where 56 post-covid patients were selected using convenient sampling.
Post Covid patients (1-3 months) between age group of 30-45 years including both hospitalized and patients who were under isolation were included in the study. YMCA 3 min step test was performed. Pre-test and post-test vitals were recorded. The post test heart rates were then compared with the YMCA rating scale.
Result - Out of the 40 subjects, 9 subjects had an average score, while 16 of them were below average and the remaining 15 subjects had poor cardiorespiratory functioning.
Conclusion –The cardio respiratory fitness as measured through Pulse rate, Pulse recovery time and SpO2 levels using YMCA-TMST was poor in post Covid Patients irrespective of the fact that they were hospitalized or were under isolation.