There is a long standing dispute among the researchers between single & conventional multiple visit RCT procedure. RCT being a multi process treatment and so as to achieve the goal of endodontic therapy traditionally it was performed in multiple visit. However advent of modern and sophisticated endodontic instrument has not only simplified the process of RCT for dentist but has also reduced the duration required for endodontic therapy. Success of endodontic therapy mainly depends on the elimination of necrotic tissue from root canal. The present study was undertaken to assess the efficiency, post operative pain & complications associated with single, one & multiple visit RCT. Total of 170 patients who underwent endodontic therapy were assessed. Out of total 193 RCT treated tooth 57 tooth underwent single sitting RCT, 57 one sitting RCT and 59 conventional RCT while 20 RCT tooth were incomplete due to non turnout of patient after initial treatment. 39 individuals who underwent single sitting RCT had no pain post-operative while 34 & 28 subjects had no pain who underwent one sitting & conventional RCT respectively. Dentists who performed RCT found no problem in 130 subjects, among them highest 53 subjects had underwent single sitting RCT, were as total of 46 subjects who were selected for conventional RCT had missed or had problem with multiple visit. Purpose of any treatment is not just elimination of pain but also to reduce discomfort to the patient. Single sitting RCT considerably reduces the chair side time required for endodontic treatment, for tooth restoration & oral rehabilitation and ultimately being beneficial to the patients. It can be concluded from the present study that tooth with vital pulp and non infected root canals should undergo single sitting RCT where as those with infected canals should undergo one sitting RCT.