The concept of Agni is basic concept of Āyurveda. This Siddhānta provides fundamental knowledge for understanding of the theories of Āyurveda viz. Āhāra pācana, Dhātu Utpatti, Vyādhi Utpatti, Āyu parijṇāna etc. The motive of our survey study is to establish a link between disturbances of agni with that a manifestation of different body ailments from generalised to specific. The disturbances of agni means tikshāgni, visamāgni, mandāgni with respect to prukriti, vikriti, sār, samhanan, pramāna, sātymay, satva, āhārsakti, vyāmsakti and bal. Due to variation of the external environment food and so many other factors those make fluctuation, constantly in the state of the tridosh. The Agni thus being vitiated, does not digest even the laghu āhār and the āhār being digested, turn into suktpāk and act like vish. So in the present study more than 90 patients were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria at the OPD of Rajiv Lochan Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Chandkhuri, Durg and total of 60 patients were taken for the actual survey study. The primary symptoms like Praseka, Mukhasosha, Ādhmāna, Āntrakujana, Chardi, Ātisāra, Kārsya, Aruchi and Ajeerna were recorded and assessed in the survey study. Praseka is seen in 25% of patients, Mukhasosha 38.33%, Ādhmān 73.33%, Āntrakujan 56.66%, Chardi seen frequently in 25% of patients and rarely in 41.67%, Atisāra frequently seen in 16.67% and rarely observed in 30%, Kārsya seen in 66.67%, Aruchi frequently seen in 48.33% and rarely seen in 40% of patients, Ajeerna frequently seen in 16.67% and rarely seen in 53.33%. The result which was observed quiet satisfactory in the regard of establishing the life style of common men now a days with that of agni dushti and its related outcoming ailments as mentioned in symptoms. By examining the result properly it was encouraging that further studies can also be carried out to find specific correlation between a specific disease with agni dushti.