To assess the knowledge regarding cea among dental practitioners working in chandigarh, india

Pooja Thakur, Nidhi Gupta, Krishanpriya M, Preety Gupta and Vinesha Pandita

Introduction: Clinical Establishment Act (CEA) was passed in India on 17th August 2010 with the aim of regulation and registration of all clinical establishments working in India.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge regarding CEA among Dental Practitioners working in Chandigarh, India.
Methods: A total of 100 private dental practitioners were questioned randomly in a cross sectional study. A self structured closed ended questionnaire was administered to each participant containing questions regarding CEA. Relevant statistical analysis was done using SPSS Version 20 software. The results were expressed as percentage and analyzed using Pearsons Chi square test and multiple linear regression test.
Results: A total of 100 dental practitioners were included in the study. The sample size consisted of 61 males and 39 female practitioners. Majority of practitioners were more than 35 years. Only 41% participants scored above 12 i.e taken as the high score, although almost everyone was aware of the very existence of the act and its purview in dental practice. Gender, work experience and age were the factors most significantly related to knowledge regarding CEA. Out of all these female candidates had the highest likelihood of scoring rightly.
Conclusion: To have safe and litigation free dental practice, healthcare professionals should have more elaborate knowledge regarding the CEA. To achieve this, health care service providers should have more trainings and CME,s attended to brush up their knowledge.

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