In the digital world security of digital information assets of university libraries have become very essential. Looking at the precipitous information security breaches at almost all aspects of life and considering the research work taking place in universities and supported by the libraries, the problem of information security in university libraries is becoming bigger and dangerous. Each step of information beginning from collection, processing to dissemination involves security, which involves technical, management and social challenges for the libraries. Information system security depends upon humans using the system and their behavior within the system environment. Hence human factors require adequate attention as they are the main causes for incidents in information security.
This article gives an overview of the human factors with regards to information security in university libraries, with a holistic approach to human factors. Further it provides ways to classify these factors in different categories and compare them with information security management standard 27001. This article will be useful for research studies involving human factors in information security management in university libraries, and also for other research in management or library and information science, where human factors are involved.