Many studies show pathophysiological link between Type 2 Diabetes(T2DM), CardioVascular Diseases (CVD) and Arterial Stiffness. In this cross-section study 60 male Overweight, Obese adult patients of various durations of T2DM, 25to65 years age, of Western Rajasthan are examined for the arterial stiffness. Brachial-ankle Pulse Wave Velocities (BrAnkPWV) and carotid to femoral Pulse Wave Velocity (cfPWV) were taken as indices of central arterial stiffness. Brachial and ankle Arterial Stiffness Indexes (ASI) are taken as indices for corresponding local arterial stiffness. These parameters were measured by an automated oscillometric based device Periscope. Smokers and history of vascular diseases were excluded. Results stratified in groups of duration of T2DM, <5 years, 6to 10 years and >10years and compared. Regressions of PWVs and ASI on duration of T2DM were analysed unadjusted and adjusted for age, BMI and Blood Pressure. cfPWV, RBrAnkPWV & LBrAnkPWV are significantly higher in group of longer duration as compared to shorter duration(p<0.05). All others are significantly higher in only >10 years of duration. cfPWV & LBrAnkPWV are moderately and remaining variables are mildly correlated with duration of T2DM. Study concluded that central arterial stiffness is moderately and Peripheral arterial stiffness mildly associated with duration of T2DM in studied population.