The development of smartphones has created new opportunities to integrate mobile technology into daily clinical practice and they are of much more use than just texting messages or making phone calls. An “App” is a specialized program downloaded onto the mobile device which then connects an internet portal. The portability, easy update, fast speed and easy access of smartphones has served as a quick reference tool. The widespread use of smartphones has led the medical and dental communities to embrace this technology and it is rapidly changing our personal and professional lives. There are various Apps which are currently available in Google as well as Apple play store for the orthodontic patients as well as the clinicians and the play store also provides a brief description about the App, including the cost. The use of these technologies can be a boon both for the orthodontists and the patients as they help in treatment planning as well as in enhancing the treatment outcome. Apps help the patient in reminding their appointment and tracking their treatment progress, simultaneously it helps the clinician to get more organized. Smartphones have made it easier and convenient for both the clinician and patient to access orthodontically relevant information at the click of a button. Many dental or orthodontic offices have started to take advantage of the mobile “apps” that make managing a dental practice easier.