Appraisal of prescription criteria of antimicrobial agents in a tertiary care hospital

Kaireddy Siva Kumar., Geetha Vani B., Sana Samreen., Karanam Ramya Sreemani and Boya Sathiswara

Aim & Objectives: To appraise the prescription criteria of antimicrobial agents in a tertiary care hospital. The objective was to evaluate the rationality of antimicrobial prescriptions in accordance with world health organization prescribing indicators, pattern of antimicrobial usage (based on frequency, route of administration) and determine the most commonly prescribed antimicrobials.
Methodology: A prospective observational study was carried out for 6 months and collected a total of 311 cases. The data was recorded in the specific designed standardized Performa, analyzed using MicrosoftExcel.
Results: In our study 311 prescriptions containing antimicrobials were analyzed out of which antibiotics were the most frequent class of prescribed among which cephalosporin’s was prescribed about 170 times, Artesunate and Ceftriaxone accounts 115(15.13%), cefaperazone+salbuctam was the most frequent combination. Most prescriptions were made without bacteriological culture and sensitivity testing evidences, about 50% of the population stayed in hospitalfor3-4 days.
Conclusion: The study was aimed to assess the rationality of prescribing patterns of which highlights the need of rational drug use practices. Antimicrobial resistance and poly pharmacy of is increasing. Generics were hardly prescribed.

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