Latex is the milky sap derived from the rubber tree Hevia brusiliensis. And there are increasing reports of latex sensitivity due to increase in usage. Contact urticaria (Type I hypersensitivity) from natural latex products, including surgical gloves and balloons has been well documented. Anaphylaxis can result in a seriously low blood pressure, breathing difficulty, and even death. Continuedexposure puts individuals with type IV allergy at a risk of developing antibodies that trigger type I latexallergy. A 29 years old male patient after contact with surgical disposable latex gloves developed allergic reaction. in the form of itching, redness and swelling on both the hands and angioneurotic edema of face. To prevent latex allergy in health care workers and occupational skin diseases in general, it is necessary to implement preventive measures, including counseling, education, information, and awareness. Limitation of latex use needs to be considered as a long term strategy. Recognition of signs and symptoms associated with these reactions by health care professionals may help to prevent a more severe reaction.