India has a large renewable resource that can be used to overcome the energy crisis of the economy, so as to promote sustainable energy and economy. Bio-gas has a potential in India towards achieving energy sustainability using locally available organic wastes, which may also help in reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emission and supplying good quality bio-fertilizer for the farmers. India has the largest cattle population in the world. The government views bio-gas technology as a vehicle to reduce rural poverty and as tool in its derive for rural development. The cattle production in India is mainly in the hands of small and marginal farmers and landless labourers who maintain this to earn supplementary income. World is facing energy crisis due to various factors like over population, industrial development, booming of construction sector, etc. To solve the energy crisis, the world is having paradigm shift towards renewable energy in recent years. The benefits to the farmers is to boost up their income who install bio-gas plants and utilisation of bio-gas and slurry.