A field experiment was done to analyze the physical and chemical properties of soil in the agro-ecosystem of sesame (sesamum indicum L) at three different research sites which were located in the north-western arid region of district Bikaner, Rajasthan (India) in the kharif season of 2016. The physical and chemical properties that were analyzed were as follows: (A) Physical properties that were analyzed are 1. Mechanical analysis which includes (a) Texture (b) % of Sand, Silt, Clay and CaCo3 2. Apparent density and Absolute specific gravity 3. Maximum water holding capacity or Saturation percentage. (B) Chemical Properties that were analyzed are (a) Soil PH (b) Avaliabilty of N, P, K, Carbonates and micro nutrients ( Zn, Cu, and Mn) (c) Cation exchange capacity and (d) Soluble sodium ,calcium and magnesium. The results of soil analysis indicates that soils were coarse textured (sandy to loamy sand), non-saline, non alkaline and slightly calcareous in nature. Available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in soil profiles before sowing were 80.0, 25.02 and 540 kg/ha respectively and these content after harvesting were 129.0, 28.02 and 530 kg/ha respectively. The micronutrient data indicated that available Zn, Cu and Mn content in the experimental soils were sufficient. Higher values of calcium carbonate are responsible for greater fixation of available zinc. The pH of soils varied from 8.3 to 8.6.