Physiological systems are highly adaptable to yogic exercise that is concerned with the assessment of how the body responds to single or repeated bouts of exercise. Hence the investigator was interested to analyze the changes in selected physiological variables through dynamic asanas and varied surya namaskar among working women. To achieve this purpose, the investigator randomly selected sixty women who were working in the private information technology (IT) sectors, Chennai and divided into three groups namely ‘asana group (AG), ‘fast namaskar group’ (FG) and ‘slow namaskar group’ (SG) and given selected dynamic asanas, fast suryanamaskar and slow suryanamaskar practice respectively for twelve weeks. All the data were collected before and after the selected yoga practice from three groups. The results of this study showed that SG had significantly increased the forced vital capacity due to eight weeks slow surya namaskar practice when compared to AG and FG. Whereas FG outperformed the AG and SG in pulmonary ventilation rate, forced vital capacity, due to fast surya namaskar practice for eight weeks. The result of this study implies that regular suryanamaskar practice improves physiological efficiency and is beneficial not only for working women but for everyone who wants to maintain health.