Aim: The aim of this study was to to assess the presence of the various pathologies of the maxillary sinus using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the maxilla
Objective: To determine the Incidental abnormalities of the maxillary sinus in asymptomatic patients which are common findings in CBCT scans
Materials and methods.: This retrospective study was based on the scanning and the subsequent analysis of the maxillary sinus of the dental patients referred from various dental clinics to the CBCT center.
Results.: The following pathologies that were observed in the study included mucosal thickening and sinusitis , dentigerous cysts, odontomes, fibro-osseous disease, fractures and mucosal polyps. In our present study the most common pathology was Mucosal thickening. 38 patients reported with Mucosal thickening, in which Unilateral 28 ie 41.17% and bilateral Mucosal thickening was 10,ie 14.73%.
Conclusion : CBCT assessment of the maxillary sinuses are of particular importance to the dentist because of their proximity to the dental structures. Routine CBCT scans, of maxillary sinus are recommended for risk assessment prior to surgery.