Analysis of behaviour of sports persons among cbse, state and icse board management students

Arun M N

Background: Behaviour is considered as most important attribute for the school going child because in present competitive world behaviour of child is very essential, good behaviour plays a key role in strengthening the learning. Without proper behaviour the child is incomplete for learning. When child misbehaviour in the society parents face a huge problem in the school as well as in the society, this may affect the performance and the child may be humiliated, punished in the schools, and looked down in front of friends.
Objective: to know the attribution changes like leadership qualities, positive activity, self-control, mental quality, cooperation after involving in sports
Methods and materials: For the study three hundred students were selected from all over Bangalore school from CBSE, ICSE, and STATE Board. The classroom behaviour questioner were used to find out the attribution changes. The static used for the study is kruskal- walls test the attributes
Result: there was no significant in leadership quality, there was a significant difference in positive activity, cooperation, positive mental cooperation and self-control
Conclusion: the study conclude CBSE had a good positive mental quality and self-control, than STATE and ICSE Board, and ICSE board had a good leadership qualities and cooperation than CBSE and State students

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