Medical Images play a very crucial role in recognizing the illness if organs are working properly or not. Image processing is a well known for object detection. They related to medical image processing is active research area in which various techniques used in order to make a diagnosis at ease. While extracting the feature of disease to work out a measure of similarity and give experimental results through discovering the tumors. The pattern recognition method is used to identifying the patterns at any position within the medial image to identify tumor location of abnormal changes. In this paper, we focus on recognizing the Alzheimer Disease used in Early Detection. In this regard, to stop dementia that can be strong-minded from the being thereof amyloid along with the other factors. The liquid of amyloid being there helps in detecting dementia at an early stage. The existence of this fluid can be found in a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan of the brain. At this time, the proposal is to show the color distribution from a scanned image i.e., the domination of given colors by low-level features in color histogram approach. The histogram identifies the most important colors to predict the Alzheimer disease analysis in Early Detection.