Seasonal variation was observed in the analyzed parameter at five different locations of the river Yamuna from the entry point in Kydganj Ghat to the exit point under the Naini Bridge. The results obtained in February and March shows diversity of phytoplankton at Allahabad sites. The abundance of Phytoplanktons was found in March is greater than in February. Chlorella was absent at Kydganj Ghat and Naini bridge sites in the month of March. While observed in the month of April Spirogyra was foundin all the sites. The population of the genus Hydrodictyon was very common throughout. A single moderate peak, however, occurred during April. Genus Hydrodictyon was present in month of April at almost all the sampling sites. The variations in these phytoplanktonic communities indicate the natural management of primary production throughout the year. Most of the Chlorophycean members forming prominent peak in the month of March and April. Genus Hydrodictyon and Cladophora were found throughout the period at all sampling sites. Diatoms and Mougeotia was found dominant at all the sites whereas Zygnema and Oedogonium were less common.
Higher population of Hydrodictyon species was observed during the period of March at all sites, during which the water level declined gradually from February to March.