Dengka Dialect is one of the eighteen dialects of Rote language. It is spoken in Northwest Sub distric, Rote Ndao Regency, Nusa Tenggara Province. The eighteen variations of the sub dialect namely: Termanu, Korbaffo, Landu, Ringgoú, Upao, Bilba, Diu, Lӗlenuk, Bokai, Talaӗ, Keka, Baӓ, Lelain, Dӗngka, Unalӗ, Déla, Ti danLålӗt (Lålӗ). This research aims at discovering the affix combination process in the Dengka dialect of the Rote language.
The applied theoretical approach is generative morphology that is suggested by Aronoff in his article Word-Based Morphology (1979).
The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The data are obtained by using observation methods and its techniques, and interlocution method and its techniques. The collected data are writings and voice-recordings. The writings are the main data, which are translations of the Book of Mark in the New Testament, the Story of Easter and the Parable about a Farmer, in the versions of Dengka Dialect. The voice recordings are supporting data, which are obtained from informants by interviewing and recording.
A research finding in Dengka Dialect is affix combination. It is processedfound in verb by added prefix [mana-] and suffix [-Ɂ] to lexeme base and to produce new words. The grammatical meaning of affix combination is situation passive. There are four grammatical meaning of affix combination in BRDD, namely 1) ‘coincidentally’ meaning, 2) ‘could be’ meaning, 3) ‘perfect aspect’ meaning, and 4) ‘double’ meaning.