Posterior urethral valve (PUV) with an incidence of 1/8.000 to 1/25.000 live births is the most common cause of lower urinary tract obstruction in male neonates [1], [2] . This pathology constitutes a clinical spectrum ranging from severe forms, with important repercussions on the upper urinary tract and renal function (RF), to milder forms, In our cases 4 males were diagnosed as posterior urethral, average age of patients were 28 years, 2 patients were referred to us from nephrology department as CKD stage 5 for transplant workup. other two patients came with obstructive lower urinary obstruction, All Patient underwent ablation of posterior urethral valve using Collin’s knife .14 fr silastic catheter placed for all cases, postoperative uroflow done for all cases ,shows improvement in uroflow parameter.