This research study focuses on some motivations of adolescents’ purchasing intentions of athletic apparel and other athletic goods as it is hypothesized that they are brand conscious. The research looks specifically to adolescent, teen, and young adult markets between the ages of ten to nineteen years old in Guilford and Forsyth counties in North Carolina. This study aims to determine who or what persuades teenagers’ decisions about purchasing athletic apparel and how brand name and perception may influence adolescents. Peer influence plays an important role in their choice of brands and help to determine their acceptability. In addition, advertising and celebrity endorsements are important variables in conferring brand values and establishing an image for the brand. The findings in this study suggest that quality of the product is the most important brand attribute and that the consumers are willing to pay more for a quality product. According to the research, females are a growing consumer of athletic apparel wearing it for daily fitness workouts and fashion. It is important for companies to understand their consumer wants and needs regarding brands and develop products that can be worn and used for multiple purposes.