Back ground: Tribal communities are highly disease prone groups. They are most exploited, neglected and vulnerable to diseases. In Kerala 1.3% of the population are tribal. Various studies have demonstrated that tribal children suffer from a higher rate of morbidity like ARI, Skin infections, ADD and sickle cell disease.
Objective: To identify the morbidity pattern and the associated factors among preschool tribal children in the Kozhikode District in North Kerala, India.
Materials andMethods: The study was a community-based, cross- sectional. Study was carried out in randomly selected 10 panchayaths in Kozhikode from July 2011- december 2011 among 264 Tribal children aged 3-6 yrs.. Cluster sampling method was used.
Results: The prevalence of overall morbidity is 59.8%. 42.5% children had ARI. dental caries 39.8% 94 (35.6%) children showed pallor (pale conjunctiva), and skin infections 35.2%, Morbidity pattern was similar in both sexes , un immunization and absence of de worming were found to be significantly associated with morbidities.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study revealed the widespread prevalence of Morbidities among pre-school tribal children and highlight a need for an integrated approach towards improving the child health in this area.