Objective: To determine risk of abnormally invasive placenta previa with previous cesarean delivery.
Introduction: Abnormally invasive placenta is the abnormal adherence of placental tissue to the myometrium. Its life threatening obstetric condition associated with severe hemorrhage and principal indication of peripartum hysterectomy. Its incidence is increasing owing to the growing numbers of cesarean deliveries being performed. Invasion in almost all cases is at the site of uterine scar. Prenatal accurate diagnosis of this fatal condition is necessary to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality.
Study design, place and duration: Retrospective cross sectional observational study was carried out at tertiary care teaching hospital for period of one year
Material and methods: All cases of previous cesarean delivery and current placenta previa underwent clinical and imaging evaluation for confirmation of AIP. Final diagnosis was made on histopathology of hysterectomy specimen.
Result: out of 146 cases of previous cesarean delivery and current placenta previa 34 (20.73%) had abnormally invasive placenta.
Conclusion: Direct relationship between abnormally invasive placenta with previous cesarean delivery and current placenta previa highlighted.