Quality of work life is necessary for an organization to attract and to retain skilled and talented employees. In the present market scenario, Quality of Work Life has come under limelight due to stiff competition where organizations are trying to carve competitive advantage through the human factor. In the present scenario, men and women are equal. Women are handling high posts in the offices. Quality of Work Life of female employees has now become extremely important for the successful management of a Company. The aim of the study is to find the quality of work life among female employees working in the Retail Sector in Selected areas of South West Zone of Surat city through wellness integration model. Structured questionnaire was prepared. Findings show that the women have a better physical wellness and emotional wellness. women are dissatisfied with the spiritual wellness.. They are agreed with family wellness but disagreed with resources and infrastructure wellness. Mostly women agreed towards occupational wellness and neutral towards society and community wellness and highly agreed towards safety environment and energy wellness.