A study was conducted to assess the level of depression, anxiety and stress among primi postnatal mothers with LSCS by using DAS Scale and to find out association between selected socio demographic variables and level of Depression, anxiety and stress among primi postnatal mothers with LSCS. Research approach used in this study was descriptive in nature. Non experimental descriptive research design was used. 30 primi postnatal mothers with LSCS admitted in maternity ward of selected hospital in Belagavi, Karnataka were included. Purposive sampling technique was used. The result of the study showed that Maximum (40%) of the primi postpartum mothers with LSCS are in the age group of 21-23 years and 13.4% are in the age group of 27-30 years. Most of the them (30%) had education upto SSLC level and only 3% was illiterate. Majority of them (83.33%) were Hindu and there were no Christian and other religion. Majority (73.33%) of them belongs to joint family and 26.67% belongs to nuclear family. Maximum (83.33%) of them were housewives and only 3.33% are farmer. Most (53.33%) of them had an income of 5000 to 10000 and non of them has income of 10000 to 15000. There were equal percentage (50% each) for both vegetarian and non vegetarian. The study revealed that 13.33% had mild Depression and 3.33% had extreme severe Depression. The study showed that 33.33% had severe Anxiety and 10% had mild anxiety. It was also found that 50% had moderate stress and 3.34% had extreme severe Stress. The obtained chi square value for the selected demographic variables in levels of depression revealed that only calculated chi square value for education is more than table value; which means that only education is associated with the levels of Depression. The obtained chi square value for the selected demographic variables in levels of Anxiety revealed that only calculated chi square value for diet is more than table value; which means that only diet is associated with the levels of Anxiety. The obtained chi square value for levels of stress revealed that none of the calculated chi square value for age, education, religion, type of family, occupation, income and diet is more than table value; which means that there is no association between the selected demographic variables with the levels of Stress.