What does the health clinic stand for? First of all health clinic is a social space to diagnose and treat the sick persons. It has also ideological imperatives to convey a way of thinking and speaking, it is a discursive practice that linked to health with medical body of knowledge and power relation. For Michel Foucault, the clinic is stand for mode of perception and enunciation, that, allow to doctor see and naming, defining and redefining about the illness and to being a authorized body to make a statements about birth to death. Foucault illustrated that by the coming of nineteenth century medicine is no longer a two-dimensional reading of symptomatic surface into disease architecture rather shift to more dimensional engles. The , clinic a disease that enables us to think about the illness when we make a statement about the sickness , also operates not only in its familiar textual domain, but in a picture of scene of sick bed , and poetry about the disease. And that way construction of patients identity is an important consideration with this framework. Along with, Health clinic produce a social space to make standard medical procedure of diagnosing the disease body, is actually part of an interpretative grid of medical perception since nineteenth century, that is contingently constituted a very specific types of configuration of concepts, objects and disease identity.