The proposed work aims to the performance measurement and analysis for a single phase transformer using user friendly software tool. In existing system, for measuring the voltage, current and other characteristics of transformer digital clamp meter, digital hand held scope meter are used. For analysis, oscilloscope, digital voltmeter, time current curve methods are used. To perform all these measurements human intervention is required and moreover there is more chance for human error that occurs makes the process inefficient. LabVIEW is an integrated development environment designed specifically for engineers and scientist building measurement and control system. Hence it is proposed to measure various parameter of transformer under different testing conditions to analyze the characteristics of transformer using LabVIEW. NI USB 6009 Data Acquisition Card is used as a interfacing hardware between LabVIEW and experimental setup. By sensing the Voltage, Current under various conditions performance and characteristics will be measured and analyzed. And also this proposed method aims for online measurement and continuous monitoring. This helps to improve the system performance and quality. Moreover it gives exact values and it reduces computation difficulties while calculating its required parameters. The graphical view of the machine’s performance can be obtained using graphical programming. Hence LabVIEW with Data Acquisition System is used widely in measurement technique and also helps in analysis of various signals. The equivalent circuit parameters of the transformer under open circuit and short circuit test are being measured.