The issues related to greenhouse gas emissions and various kinds of pollution resulting in severe environmental and ecological imbalance have been gaining global attention since several decades. United Nations is playing a key role in coordinating majority of the countries to solve the issue of global warming and climate change through protecting environment we live in for a peaceful and fruitful life. India is marching ahead and is taking all the possible measures to overcome the issue of pollution in any form that cause damage to the people, livestock and property. India is a developing country and is striving to develop the industrial sector and other allied sectors. One such initiative is ‘Make in India’ policy. The main motto of this policy is to attract the capital and technological investment and initiate product manufacturing in India. Many Indian and global investors are coming ahead to start the industries, companies etc., to manufacture and sell their products and increase trade with many other countries. ‘Zero Defect Zero Effect’ is a slogan coined by the Prime Minister of India ShriNarendraModi which signifies that the production mechanisms wherein products have no defects and the process through which the product is made has zero adverse environmental and ecological effects. This slogan has not been seriously taken into consideration by the entrepreneurs and thereby causing huge pollution inturn affecting the health, crops livestock and property of the people in the nearby areas of their established industries. This research article focuses on the impact of the stone crusher industries on the rural people’s health, crops, property damage and death of livestock in the study area and offers several suggestions to overcome them.