Background: Obesity is one of the risk factors of hyperlipidemia, coronary heart diseases, metabolic syndrome and also other diseases like hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and so on.[8]
As first line health centers pharmacies and pharmacists are clinical professionals easily accessible by the community and pharmacists provide care and informs patients to increase their quality of life. In weight management, pharmacists have an important role in healthcare together with physicians and dieticians. Counterweight management program aims to encourage overweight patients to change their lifestyles via the pharmacies. The aim of our study was two folds. First to assess the knowledge of awareness of overweight patients on weight management programs in community pharmacy. Second to assesses the community pharmacists’ approach in weight management.
Methods: Two questionnaires were developed for this purpose. The pilot tests were carried out and the Cronbach’s Alpha number was determined.
Results: The results revealed that public’s confidence to community pharmacists in weight management, effectiveness of this program on obesity management that is applied in pharmacies. The results have been also shown that this program is not applied in community pharmacies in Cyprus. 385 people in community and 100 community pharmacists attended in this study.