Introduction: In posterior tooth restorations, mechanical and physical properties play a vital role as it is subjected to heavy occlusal load. The fracture mainly occurs at the isthmus of a class II restored cavity. Therefore, materials with high fracture resistance are highly recommended in such cases where it is subjected to heavy load as in cases of class II carious teeth within the restoration.
Objectives: To evaluate and compare Cention-N and nanocomposite Filtek Z350 for fracture resistance in class II cavities.
Materials and Methodology: Eighty freshly extracted premolars were collected. Class II mesial box shaped cavities was prepared. The teeth were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=20) .Group I: No cavities were prepared (control). Group III: Cavities were restored with Amalgam. Group IV: Cavities were restored with Filtek Z 350 composite Group V: Cavities were restored with Cention-N. Fracture resistance was tested with a steel ball of 3mm diameter with a cross head speed of 1mm/min in Universal Testing Machine- Instron. The load at which the restorations fractured were noted and recorded and was statistically analysed.
Results: Cention-N material has the highest fracture resistance when compared to the other restorative materials.
Conclusion: Cention-N and Filtek Z350 restorative materials have higher fracture resistance in Class II cavity preparation and restoration but dental amalgam showed comparatively inferior results.