Victim is any human who has received any physical or psychological adverse incident. Victimization involves the processes and factors of turning a normal person into a victim by a series of events and addendum. It is very often observed that the clearest statements about an incident, involvement of people in the incident and other factors are most likely to be identified accurately by the victim. Therefore, victimization is not a point of concern until the victim is not secure about the events that has happened. The concern arises, when the victim is made vulnerable, by physical or psychological abuse. The effects of victimization are more dangerous when they are psychological, as they not only affect the case but may also affect the victim to the point where he/she might tend towards the criminal tendencies. Thus, it illustrates that victimization and its effects be studied more diligently to avoid unfortunate deviance in a case. For amelioration and results in criminal proceedings, it is most importantly to retain and ensure the safety and security of the for serve justice. This theoretical research has helped, to study and analyze the factors leading to victimization and the psychological impact of victimization on the victim and the case of concern.