Introduction: Inguinal hernia is a protrusion of abdominal cavity which is the most frequently occurring type of hernia globally with two third have indirect and one third have direct hernia. Lichtenstein’s tension free mesh repair is the mainly used approach.
Aim & Objective: To identify the importance of suture material used to fix the mesh in Lichtenstein’s Mesh repair with the aim of assessing and comparing the post operative outcomes on post op day 7 , 3 months and 6 months. Also to assess recurrence of hernia within 6 months.
Methodology: The present study is an comparative , observational study conducted among admitted patients in the department of General surgery with the sample size of 80 patients divided in two groups each of 40 patients. In group 1 mesh fixation done with Vicryl while in group 2 prolene was used. Included all male patients aged 18 years to 70 years with direct or indirect inguinal hernia . The patients with comorbidities, presents in emergency and complicated hernia cases were excluded.
Results & Discussion: Mesh fixation using absorbable(vicryl) sutures in Lichtenstein’s mesh hernioplasty is related with lesser postoperative complications.