Home office or telework, in Mexico, is defined and regulated by the Federal Labor Law in article 311 as the one that is usually performed for an employer, in the worker's home or in a place freely chosen by him, without supervision of the person who provides the work1. Two questionnaires were designed to find out the point of view of employees and employers of savings banks in the cities of Apizaco and Xalapa on their willingness to work from home. The methods "expert validation" and "pilot test" were used to find out if the questionnaires are reliable in the objective collection of opinions. The expert validation concluded that 98% of the items in both questionnaires meet the principles of clarity, objectivity, consistency, coherence, relevance and sufficiency. While the pilot test showed that the employers interviewed consider that home office can offer benefits such as increased productivity at work, they are not willing to have their employees work from home. On the other hand, employees showed a greater willingness to adapt to working under the home office scheme.