Background: Aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Trans Rectal UltraSonogram [TRUS] in the diagnosis of cancer prostate in patients who presented with abnormal digital rectal examination [DRE] or high level of Prostatic Specific Antigen [PSA] or both.
Methods: A total of 100 patients with the age of 50 to 80 were enrolled in this study. Patients who have abnormal digital rectal examination [DRE] or high PSA level [4ng/ml to 10ng/ml] or both were included in this study. An informed consent was obtained. Trans Rectal Ultra Sonogram [TRUS] was performed for all patients and their prostate echo texture is identified and labeled as hypo echoic, hyper echoic, iso echoic and mixed echoic. Then Trans Rectal Ultra Sonogram guided 12 core biopsy was performed with specific importance to the suspicious lesions. The biopsy results were correlated with the ultrasound findings and the results were analyzed.
Results: In our study we observed that 65% of hypo echoic lesions of prostate are malignant, 35% of iso echoic lesions are malignant,14% of mixed echo texture are malignant .All hyper echoic lesions in our study are found to be benign.