Human conditions and behavior can be defined as the various human activities that are explored by psychologists. These conditions and behavior usually result from the psychological mechanisms that take place in the human brain. The two myths, ‘The Tale of Beautiful Psyche’ and ‘Philemon and Baucis, are important in describing human behavior as viewed by psychologists. The aim of this paper is to provide insights on the human conditions and behaviors portrayed in the two myths in a psychological perspective. The analysis of the two myths is based on the universal themes demonstrated by the characters in order to bring out the relationships and differences in human behaviors. The paper examines the human conditions and behavior as presented by the characters in each myth and then explores the differences and similarities between the identified themes. Some of the identified themes include egoism, attachment, sacrifice, jealousy, skepticism, self- determination, commitment, philanthropy, and altruistic behavior. The paper adds knowledge regarding human conditions and behaviors portrayed by the two myths.