Thalassemia is the name of a group of genetic blood disorders characterized by anemia due to enhanced red blood cell destruction. Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of the red blood cells consists of two different proteins, an alpha and a beta. If the body doesn't produce enough of either of these two proteins, the red blood cells become defective and cannot carry sufficient oxygen. The resulting anemia is usually severe with several health problems like enlarged spleen, bone deformities, fatigue and requires regular life-long transfusion, therapy and medical supervision.
Thalassemias can't be prevented because they're inherited, "inherited" means they are passed on from parents to children. However, these bleeding disorders can be found before birth through prenatal tests. Thalassemia is a common inherited disease in the world. India accounts for 10% of the total world thalassemia population and approximately 1 in 30 in the general population is carrier of the mutated gene and the cases may increase as it is a hereditary disorder, so, it is important to take into consideration about this disorder as it may prove deadly one. And thus the intensity of this disorder can be lowered by diagnosing and taking proper treatments.