Teenage pregnancies are high risk of maternal and perinatal complications. The objective was to analyze the outcomes of teenage pregnancies in primiparous. It was an analytical cross-sectional study from September 2012 to April 2013, in maternity wards of the University Hospital and the Central Hospital of Yaoundé. Sixty primiparous adolescents aged 14 to 19 years were compared to 100 primiparous aged 20 to 24 years who gave birth in the study sites. The demographic profile, prenatal care, labor, childbirth and newborns in birth rooms were analyzed. Data was expressed as frequencies and percentages and was analyzed by Chi square test or Fisher's exact test where appropriate for significance. Odds Ratio for association was calculated. P was significant when <0.05. Compared to adults, few teenagers: reached the university level (P <0.001) and took preventive treatment of malaria (p = 0.041). The adolescents had more fever during labor (p = 0.009) and their newborns had a low Apgar score (<7) in the first minute (p = 0.014). Poor prenatal care, fever during labor and a low Apgar score affect significantly teenage pregnancies.