A teacher when takes teaching as his/her profession that time he/she has to adjust with his/her school environment in spite of his/her personal life and social life. If any problem creates on his/her personal life and social life that will be affected his/her adjustment process with environment and teaching learning process also. So in teaching learning process teacher’s adjustment is very much important. The present study was conducted to enquire the teacher adjustment on randomly selected 374 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe teachers at Secondary level in West Bengal. The major finding was observed that the Scheduled Caste teachers were significantly different from the Scheduled Tribe teachers in respect of the Teacher Adjustment. The Scheduled Caste male teachers were significantly different from the Scheduled Caste female teachers in respect of the Teacher Adjustment. But The Scheduled Tribe male teachers were not significantly different from the Scheduled Tribe female teachers in respect of the Teacher Adjustment. The present study also reveals that the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe rural teachers, arts teachers and serving own district teachers were not significantly different from the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe urban teachers, science teachers and serving other district teachers in respect of the Teacher Adjustment.